Ask a question

If you have any questions about starting DSLV you can ask them here. Simply click the reply to this post icon and one of our student E Mentors will answer your question.

All questions will be anonymous, please feel free to ask her anything no matter how small, chances are lots of other Year 6’s will be worried about the same thing.

If you have a specific question or concern that only applies to yourself please email your Head of Year; Miss Dooey at

42 thoughts on “Ask a question

    1. Hello Rorywn,
      I don’t know how many people there are going to be in year 7 but to give you an idea the last year 7 had about 170 people in it.
      ~ Joseph


    1. hi so there are not many bullies but if you do get bullied tell someone as soon as it starts so that the teachers can sort it out.
      hope this answered your question.
      ~ Belle


    2. Hi Rorywn,
      People don’t bully allot at DSLV so you don’t need to worry much and if it does happen the teachers deal with it straight away
      Scarlett ✰


    1. hi so us year sevens don’t know who is in your class but if you don’t have any of your friends there you will be able to see them at break and lunch.


    1. Hi Ryan,
      DSLV deals with bullying very well and takes it very seriously. I was bullied for a little bit however my teacher sorted it out very quickly so everyone was happy. Scarlett ✰


    2. DSLV deals with bullying very well! You dont have to worry about bullying, the teachers deal with it very well. Lily


    1. Hi Logan

      On your first day when you arrive you will line up on the playground with your form (dont worry we will let you know which you are in beforehand!). Your Form Tutor will then meet you and take you to your form room where they will talk you through the plans for the day. You will do some lessons but all with your form so you wont get lost! At lunchtime and breaktime there is a designated Year 7 area where you can go and all your friends from primary school will also be there.

      There will be lots of teachers around all day to help you find your way.

      I will be sending out lots more information before you start in September and on transition (either virtual or in school).

      Miss Dooey, Head of Year 7


    2. Hi Logan! Miss Dooeys reply tells you more however, you will be able to meet your new class mates and get to know them. ~ Lily x


  1. Hi Dylan, normally there would be a transition day but because of Corona Virus I’m not sure! if you really want to know maybe you could look on the DSLV website and if it’s not on there you could ask Miss Dooey
    Scarlett ✰


    1. The first week you are at DSLV you can get lost a few times, but as soon as you get to know where your classrooms are you will be fine .
      ~Joseph T


    2. It is fairly easy to get lost because there is a lot of corridors ! However you will have all of your friends and teachers to help you out! One of my favorite parts of DSLV is how quickly you learn your way around it.~ Lily xx


  2. My favourite thing about DSLV is that I have only been there a year and I have already made so many memory’s
    ~ Isabelle


    1. I wish that I had known that it is not as scary and as big as it seems. You just have to remeber everyone is going through the same thing. ~ Lily x


    2. Before joining DSLV I wish I had seen the school a bit more and got to know where to go for lessons but you quickly find your way, dont worry!


      1. The teachers are working on it and I am waiting to see if it is going along so I don’t know

        Joseph T


    3. It wasn’t as overwhelming as i thought because I was treated so well by the teachers and I knew a lot of the people around me and it felt like DSLV had been my school for ages.

      ~Joseph T


    1. In my opinion the best thing about DSLV is all the great Equipment/tools from Technology,Science and Music. ~Joseph


    2. My favourite thing about DSLV is all of the support you get given when you are struggling and even when you aren’t.

      ~Joseph T


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